It is normal for students to call home overwhelmed. This does not mean that they do not belong at Baylor. This just means that they will need to make some adjustments in their time management and study strategies. It is important to constantly encourage and motivate your student to continue to work towards graduation.
The most important support to give your student is emotional. Make sure to continue to encourage and motivate your students not to give up.
Encourage students to stay on campus most weekends to enjoy Baylor festivities. It is important for students to get to know the local community and make friends.
Encourage your student to meet with professors, SI instructors, academic mentors outside of class, and to use the free resources available to them (tutoring, writing center, mentoring, academic advising, counseling) through Center for Academic Success and Engagement and the Counseling Center.
Discuss the importance of: attending class regularly, reading before class, taking thorough notes, completing all class assignments, and participating in study groups. This article is a great resource for parents wanting to know how to support their student's academic success.
If you would like to visit with one of our First in Line staff members about how you can support your student, please contact First in Line.